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What Are The Different Types Of Doctors?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by EllaM222, Sep 3, 2019.

  1. EllaM222

    EllaM222 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2019
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    Practicing medicine in:

    The general name we call them is a doctor. But the truth is that there are areas of specialization in the medical field. As a matter of fact, there are over a hundred medical specialties and subspecialties. In this post, we make a brief list of the common types of doctors you are likely to see.

    1. Family doctor

    They are one of the primary care specialties. Family doctors attend to patients of all age group; they provide primary care for a range of common conditions, they are usually the first to identify significant health issues and may request diagnostic tests or refer to a specialist in complex cases.

    2. Allergists/Immunologists

    These are doctors that treat disorders of the immune system such as asthma, eczema, food allergies, insect sting allergies and some autoimmune diseases.

    3. Anesthesiologists

    These doctors prescribe medications to relieve your pain or to undergo surgery, childbirth or other procedure. They monitor your vital signs while under anesthesia.

    4. Cardiologists

    Cardiologists are experts that work on heart and blood vessels. They can attend to you when you have heart failure, heart attack, high blood pressure, or irregular heartbeat.

    5. Colon and rectal surgeons

    These are doctors that attend to you when suffering from problems related to the small intestine, colon, and bottom. They can treat colon cancer, hemorrhoids and inflammatory bowel disease. They can also perform colonoscopy and other tests for colon cancer.

    6. Psychiatrist

    Generally, a psychiatrist addresses emotional and behavioral issues through a combination of personal counseling (psychotherapy), psychoanalysis, hospitalization, and medication. Psychiatrists can be in a doctor's office, in a hospital setting, or a combination of both.

    7. Dermatologist

    Dermatology is one of the most competitive areas for doctors. Only the best medical students are generally accepted into dermatology programs. Indeed, dermatologists are very well paid for having optional cosmetic procedures and cash payments such as Botox, laser treatments, etc. Besides, the quality of life is excellent compared to the quality of its peers in medicine, and call time is minimal, if any, due to the nature of the work. Generally, you can visit a dermatologist for skin diseases and cosmetic surgeries.

    8. Endocrinologist

    This is a sub-specialty of internal medicine; endocrinologists treat the endocrine system, the glands that produce and secrete hormones that control and regulate almost all bodily functions. An endocrinologist often treats people with diabetes or thyroid disease.

    9. Gastroenterologist

    These are doctors that treat the digestive system disorders. This area attracts physicians who like to practice procedures but who also like to see patients in an outpatient setting.

    10. Nephrologist

    They are doctors that treat kidney disease and prescribe dialysis to people with kidney failure. These doctors are trained in internal medicine, then a subspecialty in nephrology, which requires two to three additional years of training.

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