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Working and Training in Germany with non-European Qualification

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Egyptian Doctor, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    To work and train in Germany, physicians (Medical Doctors and Specialist Medical Doctors) who have completed their basic medical training in a country outside the European Union and the EEA have to apply for a temporary licence to practise.

    The State Chambers of Physicians and the regional chambers of physicians are the main authorities responsible for the recognition of speciality training carried out or completed abroad. A physician must be a member of a State Chamber of Physicians before his or her specialist qualifications may be assessed for equivalence.

    The State Chamber of Physicians evaluate, on an individual basis in order to determine whether a temporary licence to practise may be issued, whether the basic medical training and qualifications gained are equivalent to the content of the basic medical training in Germany:

    • Medical training and qualifications from abroad are equal to the content of the basic medical training in Germany, the holder get the Approbation (Medical License to Practice Medicine). In some States, Academic Performance Exam in same states is obligatory;
    • They are found not to be so, the doctor will be allowed a period of adjustment before being required to take a proficiency test; Academic Performance Exam in same states.
    • Significant disparities cannot be balanced by relevant knowledge, the areas where deficiencies exist will be identified through individual assessment and an aptitude test carried out.
    Medical speciality training carried out European Union can be wholly or partly recognised if it complies with the principles of these speciality training Regulations and at least 12 months of speciality training for the aspired designation has been done in Germany. This is also valid for speciality training in EU/EEA and Sutherland, if it was completed by a physician who is not a citizen of EU/EEA and Sutherland.



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  2. Rodrick Lwando

    Rodrick Lwando Famous Member

    Apr 18, 2014
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    You've started a good topic doc. The only problem is that you don't reply to us when we ask questions to get full details of such.

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