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9 Amazing Health Benefits Of Vitamin C

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by learnbyheart, Feb 20, 2017.

  1. learnbyheart

    learnbyheart Active member

    Feb 17, 2017
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    1. Prevent cold symptoms
    There are some controversies about the role of vitamin C in treating the common cold. Several studies have proved that the severity of cold symptoms and the duration of cold can be reduced by vitamin C. Vitamin C is considered as a natural antihistamine which helps in controlling allergies by cutting down the levels of histamine.


    2. Cure for skin issues
    Since olden times, people has used vitamin C to treat a lot of skin-related issues. Today, women use a lot of moisturizers, face packs and masks which contain vitamin C to have a natural glow skin.
    Vitamin C also can reduce wrinkles and prevent sagging skin by improving the elasticity of the skin. Vitamin C can prevent the skin from harmful UV rays of the sun.

    3. Reduce breathlessness
    One great news from the University of Helsinki, Finland for people suffering from breathlessness is that vitamin C can help cure their problem. Bronchoconstriction, narrowing of airways, which was caused by rigorous physical activity and exercise are reduced by vitamin C.

    4. Reduce the risk of cancer
    One study had shown that high-dose of vitamin C can boost the cancer-killing effect of drugs which are used in chemotherapy for patients. People believed that vitamin C is a safe and effective treatment for some cancer such as ovarian and lung.


    5. Mood
    Vitamin C plays an important role in the production of neurotransmitters, for instance, norepinephrine which affects the mood of a person. Norepinephrine is also critical to the proper functioning of the brain.

    6. Healing wound
    The growth of the connective tissues is facilitated by vitamin C which speeds up the process of repairing wounds

    7. Curing diabetes
    Vitamin C is a natural cure for diabetes because it helps in the processing of insulin and glucose. People suffering from diabetes should add the low levels of vitamin C in the diet.


    8. Prevent heart diseases
    Your body needs suitable amounts of vitamin C to protect blood vessels from the damage caused by free radicals. This is a major reason leading to heart disease called atherosclerosis. Vitamin C is also considered as a preventative agent for heart disease and various other cardiac issues.

    9. Improve the growth of hair
    Do you know that low intake of vitamin C can become a main reason for some hair-related problems which affect your hair growth? Lacking vitamin C may lead to dry hair along with split ends which prevent the growth of hair.
    The antioxidant properties of vitamin C can cut down the formation of free radicals and also minimize their influence on your body. Supplement of vitamin C is necessary for antioxidant protection against free radicals. If you want to have healthy and thick hair, should absorb the huge amount of vitamin C in the diet.



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  2. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Nice topic, Thx for sharing

    learnbyheart likes this.

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