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Benefits of Eating Fruits

Discussion in 'Physiology' started by Egyptian Doctor, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    Fruits, goldmine of vitamins, minerals and fibre are ideal to consume at least 4-5 servings in a day. Since they are in the natural form, account for largest part of water and 100% bad cholesterol free, it's much easier for the body to process and absorb the vitamins and minerals from the fresh fruit.

    Apple - Round fruit with lots of fibre, vitamins A, C, E and folate. Available in green, red or yellow skin when ripe. Apples reduce the risk of colon cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer. They also help with heart disease, weight loss and controlling cholesterol.

    Bananas - Long thick skinned fruit yellow in colour when ripe. Good source of fibre, potassium, vitamins A, C, B6, E & folate. Unripe or green bananas are used in cooking.

    Cherries - small round fruit with a seed, red or black in colour when ripened. Cherries always have to be ripe to eat. Cherries contain anthocyanins that reduce pain & inflammation.

    Figs - Eaten either dried or fresh, figs contain vitamin A, C, folate and niacin. A small sweet fruit full of small seeds.

    Kiwi - A rich source of vitamins A, C, E, B - complex, calcium, iron and folic acid, kiwi is a small oval fruit with thin brown skin, soft green flesh and black seeds. The skin is a good source of flavonoid antioxidants.

    Lime - Lime or lemon is the most cultivated citrus fruit with green to yellow colour loaded with vitamins A, C and folate. Juice of lime is good for detoxification and has antioxidant properties.

    Peach - Round juicy fruit with a yellowish red skin & flesh having a taste of acidic tang and sweetness contains a rough stone. Always to be picked and eaten ripe.

    Orange - A round thick-skinned juicy edible fruit that is a reddish-yellow colour when ripe with sweet to sour flavour. Peeled and eaten fresh or squeezed to make juice. Contain vitamin C, flavanoids, provides pectin and rich in sodium when ripened in sunshine.

    Plum - soft round smooth-skinned fruit with sweet flesh and a flattish pointed stone. It is high in carbohydrates, low in fat and calories. An excellent source of vitamin A, C, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, fibre and free of sodium and cholesterol.

    Papaya - A melon like fruit with yellow- orange flesh with dozens of small black seeds enclosed in skin that ranges in colour from green to orange. Either round, pear-shaped, or long like a banana. Rich in vitamins A, B, C, and D; calcium, phosphorous and iron. It is high in digestive properties and has a direct tonic effect on the stomach.

    Pear - A sweet juicy yellow or green fruit with a rounded shape narrow towards the stalk. Best eaten at room temperature, pear contains kalium and riboflavine. It is good for skin and contains plenty of fibres.

    Strawberry - A triangular shaped red colour fruit. It is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C and fibre. It has high content of sodium and iron. It helps in whitening of the teeth. Used to relieve rheumatism.

    Watermelon - a type of melon with smooth exterior rind and juicy sweet red interior flesh. Extraordinarily refreshing to drink as juice or eaten when ripe and fresh.

    Valuable for minerals, vitamins and sugar with useful amount of fibre and iron.


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  2. The DOCTOR Apollo Medical

    The DOCTOR Apollo Medical Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Mango fruit pulp the antioxidant vitamins A, C, B6 and is an effective inhibitor of prostate and skin cancers.

  3. J.P.C. Peper

    J.P.C. Peper Bronze Member

    Apr 8, 2012
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    Obviously, fruit is healthy but many fruits are overrated, especially apples. Apples do contain vitamins, but very little; they mainly lack vitamin C. Even liverwurst contains more vitamin C (no joke).

    There is also absolutely no evidence of fruits contributing to the prevention of any type of cancer or heart disease. It’s complete rubbish. Many claims are solely based on commerce, personal convictions, personal gain or cultural beliefs; for example, people tend to find products more healthy when they originate from their own country. In Holland we have a sandwich called ‘healthy sandwich’ (literally translated), only because it contains a type of Dutch cheese. And we all know cheese contains way more bad than good substances. We also witness this phenomenon in many other countries.

    Now, let’s say a correlation is found between eating apples and a good blood pressure. Why would this have anything to do with apples? It may very well be true that people who eat apples also exercise more, or smoke less often, or care more about their weight, etc. Its therefore practically impossible to perform good, objective research in humans on the benefits of nutrition. Also, even if it is certain that apples contribute to better health, it still remains unclear what exactly – in the apple itself – makes this possible; apples are complex products, making it extremely hard (if not impossible) to unravel what vitamin or antioxidant or whatever improves our health, and by what mechanism.

    If anyone wants to know more about what’s true and what’s not about nutrition, I suggest reading “What is healthy?: Myths and facts about nutrition” by Prof. Martijn Katan. He is a renowned professor in nutrition from The Netherlands, working at Wageningen University. He is an independent researcher and in no way involved in commerce or any other speculative party.

  4. Desmond

    Desmond Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2012
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    Well fruit contain important vitamin that your body needs to stay healthy. Mango's and other citrus fruits strawberries and
    many other fruits contain vitamins D, E and C. These vitamins, are most important antioxidant. They protect, your body from the damage
    caused by free radical. Fruit that contain natural fibre also can also help regulate bowel movement. Fruits are very good for skin, Hair, and health.

  5. ankitsrivastav

    ankitsrivastav Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2012
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    Vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet may reduce risk for heart disease, including heart attack and stroke. Some vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet may protect against certain types of cancers.

  6. watson776

    watson776 Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2012
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    Fruits are best food to our health and our body, specially food apple, banana, orange, mango, beech the very good fruits, the fruits include vitamin A, C and E it is very beneficial and the fruits is very good for skin and save for the cancer, thus fruits are the best food to our health.

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