well it could be poland syndrome but where's the evidence of ipsilateral webbed fingers? looking at the chest alone we can see asymmetry...which could be caused by things like rib cage abnormality, even congenital heart disease causing a one sided bulge
I also go for Poland's syndrome. And if this is indeed Poland's, then full marks to Dr. Gospodin Seki...that was a really smart diagnosis !!! I do agree with the points raised by drusingh as well... very good differentials. Now if there was no chest hair, I would have been tempted to go for gynecomastia.... and would have ruled out the various causes of estrogen excess or imbalance in estrogen and testosterone ratio. But if you look very closely, you will notice that the chest muscle is underdeveloped on the right side and testosterone is not the problem...becos although he doesn't have exuberant body hair, he definitely has enough.
Yes this is Poland syndrome after surgery ref - Poland’s Syndrome – 28 Year Old Male P.S : and full marks to Gospodin Seki, to pick up something so subtle.
Hmm interesting guys...where i come from we would rarely see this so it's new to me...quick question.. how can you tell it's post surgery by looking at the picture??
i guess you couldn't, the only way to find that it was polland is that still there was assimetry. this was too tricky :O