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Coping with Stress -Stages of Stress-

Discussion in 'Psychiatry' started by Dr.Night, Jan 15, 2012.

  1. Dr.Night

    Dr.Night Famous Member

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    In response to stressful events, you can experience one, two or all of the following stages: Stage 1: Mobilization of Energy All bodily activity is increased in response to a stressor that is frightening, such as a near car accident. This starts the body's "fight-flight" reaction, causing the release of adrenalin. You feel your heart pounding and your palms feel sweaty. This is called primary stress. It can also be the result of a situations where you choose to put yourself under stress (e.g. the night before your wedding). This is called secondary stress. SYMPTOMS: * increased heart rate and blood pressure * rapid breathing * sweating * decreased digestion rate, creating butterflies and indigestion Stage 2: Exhaustion or Consuming Energy If there is no escape from Stage 1, the body will begin to release stored sugars and fats, using up its bodily resources. SYMPTOMS: * feeling driven * feeling pressured * tiredness and fatigue * increase in smoking, coffee drinking and/or alcohol consumption * anxiety * memory loss * acute illnesses such as colds and flu Stage 3: Draining Energy Stores If the stressful situation is not resolved, you may become chronically stressed. The body's need for energy resources exceeds its ability to produce them. SYMPTOMS: Serious illnesses such as: * heart disease * ulcers * mental illness As well as: * insomnia (difficulty sleeping) * errors in judgement * personality changes Coping with Stress -Preventing Stress- Make Decisions - here are two techniques:A. Can't make up your mind? Maybe your subconscious can help you. Before going to bed, think about your problem and the various choices you could make. Think about each choice clearly in your mind. Tell yourself you're going to make the decision while you sleep. You may not name the solution the next morning but if you keep trying, you will eventually awaken with your mind made up. B. Sit down with a pencil and paper and make some lists. 1. List your options. 2. List the consequences of each option. 3. Write your response(s) to this question: What will happen if I don't choose at all? If you don't make a decision, that's a decision in itself and it also has consequences. Once you realize that something is going tohappen whether you make a decision or not, you may find the decision easier to make. 2. Avoid ProcrastinationIf procrastination causes stress in your life, learn to stop putting things off. People don't do their best work under pressure.However, some people convince themselves that they do so they can avoid dealing with their habit of procrastination. Make a weekly schedule and fill it with lots of time for leisure as well as work. That way, you'll enjoy your playtime becauseyou'll be doing it at the right time, not when you should be working. And when you are working, you won't resent it becauseyou'll know that your leisure time is coming up soon. 3. DelegatePeople who haven't learned to delegate often feel needlessly stressed. Some are poor delegators because of too little or toomuch ego. Delegating isn't a matter of dictating to others; it's asking others to assist you by doing tasks they can handle. This gives you more time to do those tasks that perhaps only you can do.

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