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Facmedicine Announces The 2nd Photo Contest For Verified Doctors

Discussion in 'Doctors Cafe' started by Faculty Of Medicine, Feb 5, 2018.

  1. Faculty Of Medicine

    Faculty Of Medicine Administrator

    Mar 21, 2011
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    After the success of our 1st photo contest for verified doctors, we had several messages and emails asking about the 2nd photo contest, and we are pleased to announce the start of our 2nd photo contest for verified doctors.

    Our first photo contest for verified doctors 1 year ago had a great success with 882 participants from 50 countries, and thousands of votes, this contest went viral on Facebook and different social networks, the winner was Dr Sarah Jaber from Egypt who got 6.700 votes while the runner up was Dr Laura Kassing from Germany who got 5.900 votes.

    All doctors from all countries are eligible to participate in our photo contest, if you are a member in our forum you can upload your photo directly HERE.

    If you aren't a member in our forum, you need to register HERE, then you can upload your photo HERE.

    The owner of the photo that collects the highest number of votes at the end of the contest will be announced as the winner and will win 250 US$.

    Please upload a photo related to medicine and being a doctor for example you can upload a photo with a white coat, scrub, stethoscope, otoscope, ultrasound, hospital, clinic…etc., you are free to choose your photo but it should be related to medicine, please avoid photos with patients, human organs, blood ...etc.

    This contest is exclusive for verified doctors, so unfortunately medical students and other health care professionals are not allowed to participate in this contest by uploading their photos, but all FacMedicine members have the right to vote.

    The voting process in the 2nd contest is a bit different from the 1st contest, In the 1st contest the voting process was based on Facebook likes while in the 2nd contest the voting system will depend on FacMedicine users to decrease possibility of fake likes.

    It is not about challenges, we aim to connect doctors from all countries together so if you are a doctor join us with your photo regardless your opportunity to win.

    FacMedicine is the largest medical forum for verified doctors with 9 million visitors yearly, 1.4 million Facebook fans and 89.250 registered members, we are happy to be the largest community for doctors on the web.

    Good luck for all participants.

    Dr Sarah Jaber from Egypt.jpg
    Dr Sarah Jaber from Egypt, The winner of our 1st photo contest for verified doctors

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  2. Inçaf

    Inçaf Young Member

    Feb 4, 2018
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    Ronmd likes this.
  3. Ronmd

    Ronmd Young Member

    Feb 9, 2018
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    Congratulations Dra. Sarah from Egypt.

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