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Health Experts Reveal the One New Year’s Resolution They Plan on Making

Discussion in 'Physical and Sports Medicine' started by dr.omarislam, Dec 13, 2017.

  1. dr.omarislam

    dr.omarislam Golden Member

    Apr 30, 2017
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    Nutrition experts and fitness trainers already do a gazillion things right, but even they have goals to eat better and improve their fitness. Here, their smart resolutions to be a little healthier next year.

    Appreciate one thing about my body every day


    "It’s easy to criticize yourself on your way to a healthier place, but instead of looking in the mirror along the journey and saying 'I wish this' or 'I hate that,' this year I'm going to celebrate at least one thing about my body each and every day. Perhaps when doing pushups it’s, 'Look at me … I can do 10 on my toes,' or even in low-endurance walks, congratulate my legs for being strong enough to do this and not think of it as exercise."

    —Shannon Fable, director of exercise programming for Anytime Fitness

    Drink more water


    "First of all, I hate the idea of New Year’s resolutions—because they die out. But we all have habits we know may not be great for our mind, body, or soul, but we continue to have a difficult time getting rid of them. So I like to see if I can come up with a better choice so that over time I can convert them to something healthier. This year, I’m focusing on hydration.

    I tell myself all the time, 'you haven’t had enough water today.' Even as I write this, a full glass of water has been sitting next to me for over an hour. How to change that? Games always work for me; maybe I’ll compete with my partner. I'm also going to create more ways to be motivated to drink, perhaps with a carbonation machine like Soda Stream, or keeping a freezer full of flavored ice cubes (mint leaves, lemon and lime zest, fresh grapefruit, etc.)."

    —Kathy Kaehler, celebrity trainer and founder of Sunday Set-Up, a healthy-eating club

    Make one new recipe a week


    "As a nutritionist, I’d like to think I do many of the 'big' wellness areas well, but there are some things I’m better at than others. We cook almost every weeknight—but if you’re impressed, please note that my family is bored to tears. My boys come home from tennis Tuesday night knowing 'It’s salmon night, isn’t it?' So, for the New Year, I’m going to make one new recipe a week. I’ll dust off the cookbooks I read for pleasure. I’m not saying I’ll veer totally… it still may be salmon on Tuesdays, but it’ll be different salmon… baby steps.

    —Lauren Slayton, RD, founder of Food Trainers and author of The Little Book of Thin

    Do more strength training


    "We women are cardio queens—and I am no exception. Cardio, of course, is fantastic, yet women tend to skip strength training. Building and toning muscle is an essential part of a workout plan. It helps maintain bone health and muscle strength and reduces the risk of injuries. I also have to remember to take vitamin D. Research has found that most of us are low in vitamin D; low levels have been linked with cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and some autoimmune diseases. Vitamin D is essential for the regulation of metabolism, calcium and phosphorus absorption, bone health, healthy muscles, neurological functions, and more. Vitamin D is not found in many foods naturally so experts recommend we take supplements throughout the year."

    —Samantha Heller, RD, senior clinical nutritionist at NYU Langone Medical Center’s Center for Musculoskeletal Care and Sports Performance Center

    Embrace joyfulness


    "I want to experience fully all the moments of each day, good, bad, or otherwise. I want to feel the wind on my face, the waves bursting past me as I stand in an ocean, and even enjoy mundane moments like paying bills. Part of my joyfulness comes from being a physical person, so I will continue to celebrate the numerous transformative moments that happen at the gym—from building strength and mental capacity to finding that runner’s high or pushing through 100 abdominal exercises. I will sing loud and sweat lots, loving the complete renovation that physical work can bring. More training and more celebrating!"

    —Tosca Reno, author of the Eat-Clean Diet series

    Cook more meals at home


    "Like many of my single clients, I tend to mostly eat out or order in, as cooking for one can be hard/annoying. It always feels like a lot of prep and time for just one person. (And then that same person has to do the dishes too, no sharing duties when you’re single!). But cooking at home is way more cost effective (another resolution of mine—saving money). It’s easier to maintain a healthy weight when you are in total control of all ingredients (type of oil, amount of salt, no added sugars) and portion sizes." (Need ideas for easy home-cooked meals?

    —Brigitte Zeitlin, RD, associate at B-Nutritious, a nutrition counseling practice in New York City

    Let it go


    "I often find myself investing time in issues or situations that are not worth my energy. I want to take these valuable resources and shift my attention towards what’s important—my son’s health and future, my family, and my career."


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