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New Ultrasound Tool To Help Doctors See More Clearly

Discussion in 'Radiology' started by Mahmoud Abudeif, Mar 19, 2021.

  1. Mahmoud Abudeif

    Mahmoud Abudeif Golden Member

    Mar 5, 2019
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    Ultrasound is an important medical tool that uses sound waves to produce images of structures inside the body, like a developing baby. But doctors also rely on ultrasound to see organs, muscles, or blood vessels. Now, a new system is providing even better pictures for doctors, helping guide them through the most delicate procedures.


    Adrienne Toby had big plans for retirement. More time with her grandkids and, after the pandemic, more travel! But about a year ago, Adrienne noticed changes in her neck.

    “I had noticed for a couple years I had like a swollen gland, but it eventually got bigger,” Adrienne Toby recalled.

    Adrienne’s doctor found what’s called a carotid body tumor.

    “The tumor is in the bifurcation or forking of the artery. Tumor grows on the middle of it,” explained Kurtis Kim, MD, vascular surgeon at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore.

    “And it was wrapping itself around my artery,” shared Adrienne.

    It wasn’t cancerous, but still needed to come out. Dr. Kim had a new tool to guide the delicate surgery. It’s called the Resona 7, an ultrasound system that produces images that are sharper than ever. Doctors and vascular technologists say it’s like going from watching something in standard definition television to ultra high-def. And …

    “It enables us to see far deeper than ever before with a far greater clarity,” added Todd Hall, technical director at Mercy Vascular Labs in Baltimore.

    Dr. Kim says his team is using the Resona 7 to find the cause of leg swelling and pain, poor circulation, and clots.

    “Even finding small clots down in your leg that other ultrasound would not be able to see,” described Dr. Kim.

    Adrienne’s surgery to remove the tumor was a success. She says she felt better almost immediately.

    “Once I had the surgery, all my pain went away,” exclaimed Adrienne.

    Technology that puts circulation problems in clear focus.

    Dr. Kim also says the new ultrasound has a feature that allows doctors to measure arterial stiffness, which is a sign of aging and also a heart disease risk factor.


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