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Want To Lose Belly Fat? Aerobic Exercise Beats Weights

Discussion in 'Dietetics' started by Egyptian Doctor, Oct 20, 2011.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    If you want to lose belly fat, the most damaging to your health, you will be
    more successful if you do aerobic exercise than resistant training, researchers
    from Duke University Medical Center reported in the American Journal of

    Belly fat, also known as abdominal fat,
    intra-abdominal fat or visceral fat is located inside the
    abdominal cavity, packed in between the stomach, liver, intestines and other
    organs. Belly fat is different from fat under the skin (subcutaneous fat) and
    intramuscular fat which is interspersed in skeletal muscles. People with
    excessive amounts of visceral fat have a higher risk of developing diabetes, heart disease,
    and some cancers.

    Aerobic exercise is any
    physical activity which raises the heartbeat and makes the lungs and heart work
    harder to meet the body's increased demand for oxygen. Aerobic exercise raises
    the circulation of oxygen through the blood. Examples include jogging, running,
    swimming, cycling, rowing, and skipping.

    Resistance training is
    any physical activity that uses the force of a muscle against some kind of
    resistance to build muscle strength and size. Examples include weight training,
    push-ups, chin ups, and moving or holding in position elastic/hydraulic

    Lead author, Cris Slentz, PhD, an exercise physiologist,
    "When it comes to increased health risks, where fat is deposited in
    the body is more important than how much fat you have. Our study sought to
    identify the most effective form of exercise to get rid of that unhealthy
    Slentz said:
    "Resistance training is great for improving strength and increasing
    lean body mass. But if you are overweight, which two-thirds of the population
    is, and you want to lose belly fat, aerobic exercise is the better choice
    because it burns more calories."

    The investigators found
    that aerobic exercise consumed 67% more calories than resistance

    They tracked 196 adults aged between 18 and 70 years. They were
    all overweight and had led sedentary lifestyles. The volunteers were randomly
    selected into three groups:
    • Aerobic training group - they did the equivalent of 12 miles jogging weekly,
      at 80% maximum heart rate
    • Resistance training group - they did 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions three times
      per week
    • Combination group (aerobic plus resistance
    The participants were
    supervised closely to make sure they participated correctly.

    They found
    that aerobic training reduces visceral fat and liver fat considerably. Aerobic
    training was also found to be better at improving fasting insulin resistance,
    compared to doing weights. It also reduced liver enzymes and fasting
    triglyceride levels more effectively. All these are risk factors for heart
    disease and diabetes.

    The authors wrote that resistance training had
    virtually no impact on levels of visceral fat, liver enzyme levels, liver fat,
    or insulin resistance. Combining resistance training with aerobic exercise was
    found to have similar results to just doing aerobic exercises.

    Even though the training program in this study was "rigorous and substantial",
    Slentz believes that people could achieve similar results with milder aerobic
    exercise regimes.

    Slentz said:
    "What really counts is how much exercise you do, how many miles you
    walk, and how many calories you burn. If you choose to work at a lower aerobic
    intensity, it will simply take longer to burn the same amount of unhealthy

    Source : Want To Lose Belly Fat? Aerobic Exercise Beats Weights

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  2. davidpeters

    davidpeters Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    these are best one exercises to reduce belly fat.

    Last edited: Mar 24, 2012
  3. einfopedia

    einfopedia Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2012
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    if anyone want to lose the belly fats than know about that the Belly fat, also known as abdominal fat, intra-abdominal fat or visceral fat is located inside the abdominal cavity, packed in between the stomach, liver, intestines and other organs. Belly fat is different from fat under the skin (subcutaneous fat) and intramuscular fat which is interspersed in skeletal muscles. People with excessive amounts of visceral fat have a higher risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers.

    and the aerobic exercise information is the Aerobic exercise is any physical activity which raises the heartbeat and makes the lungs and heart work harder to meet the body's increased demand for oxygen. Aerobic exercise raises the circulation of oxygen through the blood. Examples include jogging, running, swimming, cycling, rowing, and skipping.

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