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What are Blackheads? How to Get Rid of Blackheads

Discussion in 'Dermatology' started by Egyptian Doctor, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. Egyptian Doctor

    Egyptian Doctor Moderator Verified Doctor

    Mar 21, 2011
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    A blackhead, or open comedo is a wide opening on the skin with a blackened mass of skin debris covering the opening. Despite their name, some blackheads can be yellowish in color. A comedo is a widened hair follicle which is filled with skin debris (keratin squamae), bacteria and oil (sebum).

    A closed comedo is a whitehead, while an open comedo is a blackhead. the plural of "comedo" is comedomes".

    Blackheads are said to be the first stage of acne. They form before bacteria invade the pores of the patient's skin. A blackhead can develop into a pimple, which is also known as a papule or pustule.

    Blackheads, and acne in general, usually develop after puberty, when hormone levels surge and reach the skin. The presence of higher levels of hormones in the skin triggers the stimulation of the sebaceous glands, which produce oily substances. The sebaceous glands produce too much oil in the pores, which accumulates and gets stuck. When the occluded oil is exposed to air it becomes black.

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    Several conditions and circumstances can cause blackheads, or make them worse, such as the use of topical oils and make up. Blackheads can affect people with any type of skin, but are generally more common in those with oily skin.

    What are the causes of blackheads

    The overproduction of oil is the main cause of the emergence of blackheads. This is likely to occur in a high proportion of humans during puberty. Spikes in hormone production can result in the high levels of DHT (dihydrotestosterone), a hormone which triggers overactivity in the oil glands, resulting in clogged pores.

    Clean skin - if the skin is not cleaned properly, more blackheads can appear, especially during those milestones in life when they are more prevalent, such as puberty. Improperly cleaned skin makes it more likely that dead skin cells build up within the pores. The pore openings can become clogged, which accelerates the build up of oil inside - thus causing blackheads to form. However, many experts warn that dirt does not cause blackheads to form - which frequently confuses and frustrates patients. Blackheads are caused by oxidized oil, not dirt, experts add. Over-cleaning the skin can lead to irritation.

    In some cases, blackheads can emerge if moisturizers, sun screens, make up, or foundations are overused.

    In the majority of cases, blackhead susceptibility is not heredity, with the exception of some severe acnes.

    Food does not cause acne - although parents and grandparents commonly tell their teenage offspring not to eat chocolates and greasy foods, because they think they encourage the formation of acne - they do not cause blackheads or make them worse. Some studies have pointed towards a link between some dairy products and acne, but the evidence is not compelling.

    Stress - stress does not directly affect blackhead occurrence. However, stress and anxiety can cause people to pick at their blackheads and acne, which may make them worse. Put simply, the behaviors resulting from stress and anxiety may worsen acne symptoms, but not the stress/anxiety itself.

    What are the treatment options for blackheads

    Hormonal treatments - contraceptives have often been used for the treatment of blackheads and acne, often with good results.

    Cleaning the skin - clean your face with a good cleanser, ideally, one for oily skin, such as a salicylic acid cleanser.

    Medications - adapalene is a third-generation topical retinoid, used mainly in the treatment of mild to moderate acne. Many patients with blackheads have had good results. In the USA adapalene is available under brand name Differin, in three preparations - 0.1% cream, 0.1% gel, and 0.3% gel. Since 2010, it has also been available in the USA under the generic name Teva, (0.1% gel). Only the 0.1% cream and 0.1% gel forms are available in Europe.

    UV exposure - exposing the skin to sunlight or ultra-violet light encourages it to peel, which helps unblock pores. Sunbathing or using sunbeds may help. However, it is important to discuss this with your doctor. Exposing skin to sunlight, if overdone, also raises the risk of burning and developing skin cancer.

    Hair - greasy hair touching the face of your skin can spread infection and in some cases encourage the spread of blackheads and acne. Keeping your hair away from your face may help keep blackheads to a minimum.

    Skin virus may fight blackheads and acne - a virus that lives on our skin seems to naturally seek out and destroy the bacteria responsible for blackheads and zits. Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh said that harnessing a virus that naturally preys on the bacteria that cause pimples could offer an extremely useful tool against this skin condition.



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  2. sakshi supehia

    sakshi supehia Famous Member

    Jan 8, 2014
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    Put cold water on your face after you use a treatment so your pores shrink back down and don't pick up as much dirt.

    Keep your nails clean. This will prevent dirt and bacteria being transferred from your hands to your face, especially if you're squeezing spots or blackheads.

    Changing your pillowcase regularly helps prevent future breakouts.

    Sometimes a pore minimizer can help reduce blackhead breakouts.

    Try not to touch your face excessively to prevent the transfer of oils from your hands to your face.

    To keep oil away from your face use blotting papers or oil absorbing sheets, Clean and Clear Oil Absorbing Sheets (or CVS oil absorbing sheets) are cheap and effective and can be purchased at any drug store.

    Keep your hair clean. If you have a clean face, grease from hair can slowly run down your face and clog up spots, so try and take a shower everyday, and wash your hair thoroughly.

    Always use oil-free moisturizer because you don't want to clog your pores even more.

    Wash your face at least once a day, but try to wash it twice a day if possible - morning and night. Pimples and blackhead disappear within 4 or 5 days.

    Keep checking your progress, and stay on track. If you keep cleansing, your blackheads are guaranteed to disappear!

    Wash your face daily, avoiding soap. Use an exfoliator scrub or just plain water splashes.

    Bangs may irritate the skin, so try to tie them up or have them trimmed.

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